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COLOUR LCD DISPLAY -  6.4” / (640 X RGB X 480) TFT

The full-VGA screen produces a high-resolution image (262,144 colors possible) providing a crisp real-time scan display.

​Standard mode display


2- Push Button selections

3- Active function information

4- Selected function

5- Enabled function

6- Disabled function

7- Active function

8- Probe model

9- Probe frequency

19- Scanned image

18- Grey scale

17- Depth scale in


10- Battery level

12- USB  port


11- USB memory storage device

13- Live /


15- Probe Frame rate

14- Measurement ON

16- Date  &  Time

       d/m/y      h/m

​​Auto-Gain mode display

Animal types:  GENERAL, PIG and COW.

In Auto-Gain mode we offer a selection of three different animal type auto-measurement reports: GENERAL, PIG, and COW. This gives the user more pre-set save options depending on the application and the probe.

ID:   Identification

MA: Marbling, %, auto-measure

BF:  Back-fat, mm, auto-measure

LD:  Loin depht, mm, auto-measure

LH:  Loin height, mm, auto-measure

W:   Width, mm

A:    Area in cm2

DS: Distance, mm, any direction

Animal type


Measurement standard display

Measurement Auto-Gain display

Image number.​

Date :  Y/M/D​

Time:  H/M/S


Standard saved image

Auto-Gain saved image

Can store over 7,000 images

Images can be transferred to a computer via supplied USB flash drive (or most others)".

- Identification number can be enter with the keypad, an external keyboard and by a USB

  bar code reader.



​  - Standard scanner kit 

  - Cine loop, 31 frames

  - 7000 images saving storage
  - USB interface​​, allows for plug-in

    and wireless addons
  - Scan modes​
  - Recall saved images for

  - Macro function for measurement
  - Animal identification, ID

  - Animal type selection
  - IMF:  Intramuscular fat measure
  - Multi-frequency sector probes
  - Software upgrades via email
  - Display interactive colour menus
  - On screen measurements report
  - Detacheable probes
  - Harness fully adjustable and

  - Removable, washable air filter
  - Transfer images to PC via USB
  - Automatic boundary detection
  - On screen functions description
  - Single board 500MHz computer​
  - Large 6.4” LCD, TFT display
  - Lightweight – 3.4 pounds with

  - Indestructible case​
  - One-piece electronic keypad with
    8 controls buttons

  - Gain, slope and frequency

  - All functions description
  - Three grey scales selection
  - Automatic preset measurements
  - Automatic image adjustment
  - Special width measurement

  - Can do 7 measurements in one

  - Operating time of continuous use
  - Removable ‘’AA’’ battery
  - External battery pack
  - Automatic image adjustment for
    measurements (Auto-gain)​

  - Save user setting per each type
    of probe and animal type

 - Four scanning depths per probes

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